
God is good all the time                                                     任何時候 上帝都是美好的

He put a song of praise in this heart of mine              祂將讚美放在我的心中  

God is good all the time                                                     任何時候 上帝都是美好的

Through the darkest night His light will shine         經由最暗的黑夜 他的光將照耀

God is good - God is good all the time                             上帝是美好的 任何時候 上帝都是美好的

(God is good He's so good all the time)                             

If you're walking through the valley                             假如你正走過低谷

And there're shadows all around                                     而那裡陰霾籠罩在四周

Do not fear , He will guide you                                         不要害怕 祂會引導你

He will keep you safe and sound                                       祂會保守你的平安和穩固

He has promised to never leave you                               因為祂會應許永不離開你

Nor forsake you and His word  is true (*)                        也不拋棄你而且祂的話是真的

We were sinners and so unworthy                         我們都是罪人 是如此不配

Still for us He chose to die                                           然而為了我們他選擇死

He filled us with His Holy Spirit                              將祂的聖靈充滿我們

Now we can stand and testify                                    如今我們可以堅立並見證

that His love is everlasting                                        祂的愛永不變

And his mercies they will never end (*)               而且祂的恩典也永不止息

Though  I may not understand                                                上帝 我可能無法明白

All the plans You have for me                                            祢對我所有的計畫

My life is in Your hands                                                        我的一生都在你的手中

And through the eyes of  faith  I can clearly see (*)      唯有透過信心的眼我才能真正看清楚


    創作者 台東博愛浸信會 的頭像

    台東博愛浸信會 台東博愛教會 (089)322942

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